Deuteronomy 7, 1 Peter 2:9-12
Supplied Notes:
1. About this series
2. This week’s issue: how do Christians fit into modern society?
3. Deuteronomy 7
vv1-6: God’s outrageous command
- Genesis 15:6
vv7-11: God’s inexplicable choice
- Amos 3:2
vv12-26: God’s awesome power
4. Some Christian reflections (via 1 Pet 2:9-12)
- Genesis 12:3
Q1. How should we expect the world to view us?
- John 15:18
- A tale of 3 cities: Jerusalem, Athens, Babylon
Q2. How should we view this world which hates us?
- James 4:4 and 2 Cor 6:14-18
Memory verse: John 14:1-3
For discussion: how does the realization that we are “in Babylon” make you feel? What should we (individually and corporately) do or not do?