Trinity Church Modbury – Finance update – 15/12/24
My name’s Mike and I’m Chair of the Leadership Team here at Trinity Church Modbury. One of the responsibilities of the Leadership Team is to oversee the finances of our church and to set the budget each year. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with an update of how we are travelling financially as a Church. (If you are new or visiting this morning, this is for our regular members, so please feel free to tune out for a couple of minutes!)
First on on behalf of the Leadership Team and staff, I wanted to thank all those who so generously give of their time and money in service of our community here at Trinity Church Modbury. We are very blessed to have such a servant hearted community.
For some context, we were planted our church in 2010, and we’ve always been a church with a heart to help people come to know God and to go on living for him. And that’s still what drives us all these years later.
Now we don’t often speak about finances or giving out the front at church, apart from at our AGM, but in the interests of transparency we thought it was important that we let you know how we are going financially as a church.
As of the end of November 2024, we are running a deficit of just over $20,000. So that means our expenditure has been $20,000 more than our income to date.
Where does this money go? Around 95% of our expenditure is on staff, and we are very thankful to God for providing a venue at low cost for us to meet and that we have low overheads as a church. In terms of staff, it’s important that we are able to set aside people for gospel ministry. Our staff include Stephen and Mark who are full time pastors, Sally who works part time in ministry, Debbie who works part time in administration and of course Ben our Ministry Apprentice who commenced this year.
So why should we give? There are a number of reasons which we give financially to the work of the gospel:
- First, it’s a grateful response to generosity of God which is shown most clearly in the death of his son
- Second it recognizes that our wealth and possessions belong to God and are given to us as a gift
- Third, it allows us to partner in the gospel with those who we set aside for paid ministry
Of course there are many other ministries people give to as well, such as our mission partners.
But given our financial situation, I wanted to encourage you to prayerfully consider your partnership financially in the gospel work at Trinity Church Modbury.
And if you’re not already giving, it would be great if you were able to join us in getting behind the work of our church.
We realise that depending on your life stage and circumstances not everyone will be in a position where it’s possible to increase your giving or to give at all, while others might be in a position where you can give even more.
So could I ask you to please commit our financial situation to God in prayer.
You can find information about giving online on the website, at the bottom of the weekly email or using the QR code on the screen. If you prefer to give cash, there is a black box up the back of the church.
If you would like any further information on finances or giving, please feel free to speak to me or Stephen at any time.
Finally – next year we celebrate our 15th birthday as a church. Stephen will be speaking to us early in the new year about some of the plans we have going forward. It would be great to be in a sound financial position as a church so that we can continue to grow the gospel work here and further afield.
Let me finish up in prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for your kindness and generosity to us, particularly in sending Jesus and for his death and resurrection.
Father, you have been so generous with us and we acknowledge that all we have is a gift from you. Help us to prayerfully consider how we can partner financially in the gospel work here at Trinity Church Modbury. May we respond with generosity with our giving and also with our time and in serving each other. We pray that you will continue to grow the gospel work here at Modbury so that many will come to know the love and forgiveness found only in Jesus.
And we pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.